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Luogo | Orario | Programma | Artisti | |
Montepulciano (SI)Tempio San BiagioRASSEGNA Cantiere Internazionale d'Arte 2024 Corale | ORARIO EVENTO: 18:00 | Jean MoutonCorde et animoJohn SheppardThe Lord's PrayerThomas TallisSancte DeusIf Ye Love Me Peter PhilipsEcce vicit leoAlonso LoboVersa est in luctumWilliam ByrdLaudibus in sanctisChiara Margarita CozzolaniDeus in adjutoriumDéodat de SéveracTantum ergoHerbert HowellsSalve reginaFlor PeetersAve verum corpusRalph Vaughan Williams3 Shakespeare SongsRebecca ClarkeAve MariaCaroline Adelaide ShawAnd the swallowSally BeamishIn the stillness | Cutty Sark Singers Roland Robertson maestro del coro | INGRESSO GRATUITOINFORMAZIONI |
Luogo | Orario | Programma | Artisti | |
MilanoPiccolo Teatro Studio MelatoRASSEGNA MITO 2023 | ORARIO EVENTO: 20:00 | Bob ChilcottSwimming over LondonThomas WeelkesHosanna to the Son of DavidWilliam ByrdO salutaris hostia, T 93Thomas WeelkesDeath hath deprived meWilliam ByrdPraise Our Lord all Ye GentilesRichard Rodney BennettThe seasons of his mercies (da Sermons and Devotions)John RutterBe not afeardRalph Vaughan WilliamsBushes and BriarsOver hill, over dale (da 3 Shakespeare Songs) Steve MartlandOranges and Lemons (da Street Songs) | King's Singers | BIGLIETTI |
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